Kentia Palme (Tuff) XL


Howea forsteriana is a popular houseplant with a low-maintenance attitude. Lush green foliage presents the Kentia palm with a fetching elegance. Impressive examples feature huge pinnate leaves that are somewhat overlapped. The Kentia palm does well in a sunny, but shaded environment. Only a slow-growing plant in the dark can be seen. All of your house may have uplifting colors! The palm may be kept at room temperatures between 20°C and 24°C, since it must not be overwintered below 15°C. Moderate irrigation is sufficient from November to March. Waterlogging is usually avoided. While this palm tree can handle dry air, your green favorite prefers dampness. Regular watering provides a healthy plant structure, while protecting your Kentia palm. When kept indoors, this palm barely grows to approximately 2 to 3 meters.

  • The delivery height includes the pot.
  • These examples are in a 50 centimeter container (diameter).
  • No adornment is provided.

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